Tongue Tie Symptoms

Mom’s Symptoms:

  • Cracked and bleeding nipples

  • Milk supply-decreased and over supply

  • Drop in supply especially at 3 months

  • Misshapen nipples/lipstick deformity

  • Mastitis and/or clogged ducts

  • Prolonged feedings

  • Vasospasms-white marking on nipple immediately after feeding

  • Fatigue, anxiety, and depression

Baby’s Symptoms:

  • Pops on and off breast, Shallow latch

  • Clicking while nursing

  • Reflux or colic

  • Poor weight gain

  • Noisy breathing/Snoring/Excessive Drooling

  • Torticollis

  • Milk leaks when feeding

  • Gagging

  • Feeds constantly

  • Constipation, Gassy, food sensitivities

  • Not sleeping long stretches

  • Falls asleep at the breast

  • Unable to hold a pacifier

  • Difficulty finding a bottle that works.

  • Thrush, Recurrent ear/sinus infections

Child/Adult/Long term Complications

  • Headaches/Migraines

  • Ear Infections

  • Reflux

  • Restless Sleeper/Restless Leg Syndrome.

  • Fatigue/Sleep more than normal

  • Sinus issues, Snoring Issues, Mouth breathing/Nasal congestion

  • Adenoid/Tonsil obstruction/enlargement

  • Speech issues/delays

  • Difficulty swallowing

  • Sleep Apnea

  • Sensory development: affects fascia which affects lower motor function, posture, etc

  • Orthodontic issues-may need to cut for braces/dentures. High palate/expander needed

Samantha Mabe

I strategically craft websites for the creative small business owner who is passionate about serving her clients and wants to be a part of the design process. I help her stand out as an expert, find more dream clients, increase visibility, and be in control of her website so that she can grow her business and spend more time doing what she loves.

Scoliosis: Early Detection + Early Intervention = Better Correction


General Immune Enhancing Considerations for Optimal Health